Personal or group homepage

This guide is valid for personal homepages served from your home directory or for group homepages served from groupshares. The latter can be a good way to share large amounts of group data with selected people or the public.

The homepages are available under the following URLs:

  • (Home directory)
  • (Groupshare)

Note: This guide uses the shell variable ${HOME}, which will be evaluated by your shell and replaced with your home directory (example: /home/username). This is automatically available on the managed workstations (either ${HOME} on Linux and macOS, or the H: drive on Windows). For self managed workstations read how to access the fileservers.

Note for group homepages: Simply replace ${HOME} with /home/groupname

Access from any computer

You can log in from any computer to our login server ( using SSH and from there create the homepage in your home/groupshare (see below).

Creating the homepage

Here's how to setup your homepage:

Short description for Linux and Mac command line users

mkdir ${HOME}/public_html
chmod 755 ${HOME}/public_html
$EDITOR ${HOME}/public_html/index.html

General description (e.g. for Mac, Windows, KDE or GNOME users)

  • Create a directory public_html in your home directory (this is the directory /home/username/ with username replaced by your user name. It is not your desktop neither the directory /home/)
  • Make it at least world accessible. You home directory does not need to be world accessible or readable though.
  • Create a file called index.html in that newly created directory and put some HTML in it. See for a good, easy to understand and though comprehensive HTML documentation in German.
  • Point your favorite web browser to (Please note that you will get a "Permission denied" error if you didn't create an index.html file beforehand.)
  • You may optionally register your personal homepage to show up in the ETH phone book. Go to, log in with your ETH account, then navigate to my services and Homepage.

Subdirectory password protection

See How to restrict access to a personal homepage.

Show beautiful math on your page

Check out KaTeX.

Configuration options

For the default public_html configuration and the list of allowed configuration options via .htaccess files, please refer to personal homepage configuration.


Only relative symbolic links with source and target within public_html are supported. Links to targets residing outside of the public_html and furthermore, links to /net are not possible.

Can I use CGI scripts for dynamic content?

Not by default. Please contact us and request CGI execution for your preferred scripting language like PHP, Python, Perl, etc.