Access your files

Here we describe how to access our file servers from the different operating systems.

Note that file server access via SMB from outside the ETH network only works via VPN! Alternatively you can try to access the files via the SSH protocol from everywhere. Scroll down to "Using SSH" for details.

In order to cope with the huge amount of storage at D-PHYS and to optimize for different usage patterns, we have multiple front end servers. Please use the table below to determine which server you need:

File server mounts
SMB mount
Home directory smb://
D-PHYS group share smb://
Galaxy group share smb://
IPA group share smb://
IGP group share smb://
NUX data group share smb://
web shares (www*) smb://
any share via smbgate in exile network smb://

You can also use the Account Info tab in our account portal to determine the mounts for all shares you have access to.

On Windows

How to connect your home drive

  • press 🪟 Windows and the R key together
  • Type \\\USERNAME eg: \\\patrika
  • Enter your D-PHYS username AD\USERNAME and your D-PHYS password and select OK
  • Optionally click with the right mouse button on your home and assign a drive letter

How to connect to a group share

  • press 🪟 Windows and the R key together
  • Type \\SERVERNAME\SHARENAME eg: \\\nano1, where SERVERNAME is take from the table above
  • Enter your D-PHYS username AD\USERNAME and your D-PHYS password and select OK
  • Optionally click with the right mouse button on your home and assign a drive letter

On macOS

  • Select the Finder
  • In the menu Go, click on Connect to server...
  • Type in smb:// for your home, respectively smb://SERVERNAME/SHARENAME for group shares (SERVERNAME taken from the table above) and click Connect
  • In the following dialog enter your D-Phys username and password
  • The mounted share should appear on your desktop or Finder window
  • Optionally: configure quick access via the Finder sidebar


It may happen that the wrong username or password were saved and you can no longer connect to the network share. You may either remove the entry in the Keychain Access application, or provide the correct username when connecting: smb://username:*


If you don't see all files inside the ipa/refreg/data subfolder, please create a /etc/nsmb.conf file, with the following contents


to fix bugs because of nested file systems.

On Linux

There are several ways to access our SMB shares: (replace "USERNAME" with your D-PHYS user name).

The package cifs-utils must be installed on your system:

apt install cifs-utils

Konqueror, Midnight commander and others

You are able to connect directly to:




(see table at the top)

If you get an error, you may need to configure samba. Check that the following line is in the section [global] in your /etc/samba/smb.conf:

client max protocol = SMB3

It may also be necessary to specify your D-PHYS username:



You may mount the files server on your local workstation.

To access your home:

mkdir -p /media/dphys
sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=AD,username=USERNAME,vers=3.0 // /media/dphys

To access the group share SHARENAME on server SERVERNAME:

mkdir -p /media/GROUP
sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=AD,username=USERNAME,vers=3.0 //SERVERNAME/SHARENAME /media/SHARENAME

To map uid and gid to your local user:

sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=AD,username=USERNAME,vers=3.0,uid=$(id -u $UID),gid=$(id -g $UID) // /media/dphys


This will give you a ftp-like interface.

To access your home:

smbclient --max-protocol SMB3 -W AD -U USERNAME //

To access the group share SHARENAME on server SERVERNAME:

smbclient --max-protocol SMB3 -W AD -U USERNAME //SERVERNAME/SHARENAME

Direct access on managed Linux workstations

On our managed Linux workstations, your home and shares will be automounted to

File server mounts
Linux workstation path
Home directory /home/USERNAME
D-PHYS group share /home/SHARENAME
IPA group share /home/SHARENAME
Galaxy group share /home/SHARENAME
IGP group share /home/SHARENAME

Using SSH (any operating system)

Even though SMB access is not possible without VPN from outside ETH, you may access your files from everywhere using tools based on the SSH protocol.

All variants work by connecting to or one of our student pool workstation using your normal D-PHYS username and password.


You can access your files also using SCP (Secure Copy) or SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) clients, e.g. WinSCP or Putty under Windows or Cyberduck under macOS. See our Readme SFTP Samples Windows Workstation to D-PHYS Workstation for how to use SFTP with WinSCP.


SSHFS on Linux or Windows provide a way to mount shares directly and access files using the default operating system file explorers. See our Readme sshfs for setup instructions.


Mac and Linux users may also use sshuttle as replacement for VPN and then connect to the storage with the SMB protocol.