Magic Keys used by Mac Hardware

During boot

  • Cmd-V Verbose startup (text console)
  • Cmd-S Single user mode
  • T Export internal disk for target mode
  • C Boot from CD-ROM
  • N Boot from Network
  • D Download and run diagnosing software over the network (even wireless can be used)
  • Opt Boot device selection
  • Cmd-Opt-O-F Enter OpenProm prompt
  • Cmd-Opt-P-R Flush OpenProm nvram

During operation

  • Cmd-Shift-3 Create screenshot, puts a file on the desktop
  • Cmd-Shift-4 Create screenshot with selection, puts a file on the desktop; click space to capture a window
  • Ctrl-Cmd-Shift-3 Create screenshot, puts it into the clipboard
  • Ctrl-Cmd-Shift-4 Create screenshot with selection, puts it into the clipboard, click space to capture a window
  • Cmd-Alt-Esc End program
  • Shift-Alt-Cmd-Q logoff immediately