User privileges on managed Linux workstations

Like file access is controlled by permissions, there are other actions on Linux such as reboot, which require even more elevated privileges. These are usually only available to the root user or using sudo (ISG personnel only for security reasons).


We deploy polkit rules (policies) to grant elevated privileges to users for certain actions. In contrast to systems such as sudo, it does not grant root permission to an entire process, but rather allows a finer level of control of centralized system policy.

Generally all actions require a local seat (physical login on the workstation) and do not work remotely, unless explicitly mentioned below.


  • Local: workstations may be rebooted by any locally logged in user (i.e. on your personal desktop computer).
  • Remote: we can enable optional remote reboot (i.e. via SSH) for specific users/groups and workstations on request.

To reboot use the reboot buttons in the display manager, window manager or systemctl reboot.

External disks

To manage external disks (USB storage) you can use the gnome-disks (Disks) app, which allows actions such as:

  • mount
  • unmount
  • formatting
  • partitioning
  • read/write partition images

Some actions are also available from the cli using udisksctl (see man 1 udisksctl):

udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdb1
udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdb1

To mount/unmount ISO images you can use the nautilus (Files) app or use udisksctl:

udisksctl loop-setup --file debian-11.7.0-amd64-netinst.iso
udisksctl loop-delete --block-device /dev/loop0

Other actions

Please contact us should you require other elevated privileges. Usually this is the case when you see an authentication prompt as root/admin.