InfluxDB backup and restore¶
The databases are backed up every night using the scripts provided on the page below.
This guide shows how to backup and restore InfluxDB
(v.1.5+) using the legacy method.
If you want to migrate your data to our InfluxDB instance follow the procedure to make a full backup
and provide the location of your data to us. You can download the scripts here:
This guide assumes the backups are stored at the following location:
Full InfluxDB backup¶
If authentication is enabled, provide the admin user credentials in the file ~/.influx_admin
export INFLUX_USERNAME="admin"
export INFLUX_PASSWORD="secret"
Single database (online) restore¶
influx -execute "drop database <db>"
restore-influxdb-database-online <backupdir> <db> [<new_db>]
Manually grant privileges shown (adapt db name if <new_db>
is used).
Full (offline) restore¶
systemctl stop influxd
rm -r /var/lib/influxdb/data
rm -r /var/lib/influxdb/meta
rm -r /var/lib/influxdb/wal
restore-influxdb-full <backupdir>
systemctl start influxd
Manual backup/restore¶
Here are a some example commands for manual backup/restore.
Legacy method (preferred)¶
DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"
umask 077
# Full backup:
influxd backup "${BACKUPDIR}/${DATE}"
influxd backup -database _internal "${BACKUPDIR}/${DATE}"
# Repeat the next line for all databases:
influxd backup -database <db> "${BACKUPDIR}/${DATE}"
# Full restore (offline):
systemctl stop influxdb
rm -r /var/lib/influxdb/*
systemctl start influxdb
systemctl stop influxdb
influxd restore -metadir /var/lib/influxdb/meta "${BACKUPDIR}/<date>"
influxd restore -db _internal -newdb _internal -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data "${BACKUPDIR}/<date>"
# Repeat the next line for all databases:
# `-newdb` required in >1.6, see bug
influxd restore -db <db> -newdb <db> -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data "${BACKUPDIR}/<date>"
chown -R influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb/*
systemctl start influxdb
# Single database restore (online):
influx -execute "drop database <db>"
influxd restore -online -db <db> "${BACKUPDIR}/<date>/data/<db>"
influx -execute "grant <priv> on <db> to <user>"
Portable method¶
DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"
umask 077
# Backup:
influxd backup -portable "${BACKUPDIR}/${DATE}"
# Restore:
influx -execute "drop database <db>"
influxd restore -portable -db <db> "${BACKUPDIR}/<date>"
influx -execute "grant <priv> on <db> to <user>"