Ansible Task Snippets¶
Package Management¶
- name: update apt cache
apt: update_cache_yes cache_valid_time=3600
- name: install common tools
- git
- htop
File Management¶
Copy a file with given owner and permissions
- name: copy site config
src: authorized_keys
dest: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
owner: root
mode: 0600
Copy a host-specific file if it exists, the default otherwise
- name: copy proper config
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/foo.conf
- "foo.conf_{{ inventory_hostname}}"
- foo.conf_default
Copy and unpack a compressed file to a given directory
- name: copy and extract archive
unarchive: src=archive.tar.gz dest=/tmp
Create a directory
- name: create ~root/.ssh directory
file: path=/root/.ssh state=directory
Create a symlink
- name: enable apache site
src: /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf
dest: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/site.conf
state: link
Delete a file
- name: disable apache2 default config
file: path=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default state=absent
Use stat
for instance to check the existence of a file
- name: check if somefile exists
stat: path=/path/to/somefile
register: somefile
- name: run boostrap script (only if somefile does not exist)
when: somefile.stat.exists == false
Handlers can be notified to restart services or trigger other actions.
Example handlers/services.yml
to restart ssh service:
- name: restart ssh
service: name=ssh state=restarted
Include handler in site.yml
- hosts: all
- role: remote-login
- include: handlers/services.yml
static: yes
Use notify
to trigger a service restart in a playbook:
- name: sshd_config file
copy: src=sshd_config dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
notify: restart ssh
You may want to set handler_includes_static = yes
in ansible.cfg
to automatically include all handlers as static.
A meta module can be used to trigger the processing of all handlers at a specific moment:
- name: trigger all pending handler actions
meta: flush_handlers
You may add tags to selected items or roles
- { role: webserver, tags: 'webserver' }
- { role: mysqlserver, tags: [ 'dbserver', 'slowtask' ] }
and then only run tasks with a given tag.
ansible-playbook site.yml --tags "webserver,dbserver"
ansible-playbook site.yml --skip-tags "slowtask"
Prompt for variable values to be entered¶
- name: user_password
prompt: Please enter the your password
private: yes # don't show what is being typed
Wait for a condition to be met¶
Use wait_for
to not continue until a port accepts a connection
- name: wait for webserver to start
port: 80
state: started
or use until
- name: wait for web app
shell: curl --head --silent http://localhost:80
register: result
until: result.stdout.find('200 OK') != -1
retries: 10
delay: 3
Use register
to store output and debug
to print it
- name: capture output of whoami
command: whoami
register: whoami_cmd
- debug:
msg: "Logged in as user {{ whoami_cmd.stdout }}"
verbosity: 2 # only show when run with -vv
Use when
for conditionals
- shell: cat /etc/motd
register: motd_contents
- shell: echo "motd contains the word hi"
when: motd_contents.stdout.find('hi') != -1
When conditionals¶
when: "not 'production' in group_names"
when: inventory_hostname == 'host1'
when: inventory_hostname in ['host1', 'host2']
when: ansible_distribution_release == 'stretch'
- name: failing task
command: /bin/false
- name: never executed because the of the previous error
debug: msg="never"
- name: catch task to run if there was an error
debug: msg="catch task"
- name: info about the failed task
debug: var=ansible_failed_task
- name: info about failed result via automatic register
debug: var=ansible_failed_result
- name: task that is always run, independently of any errors
debug: msg="always"
Become to run shell command with sudo¶
- name: run shell command as johndoe
shell: /some/command
become: true
become_user: johndoe
creates: /some/generated/file
Check mode behavior¶
Do not run a given task in check mode:
when: not ansible_check_mode
Force a task to always run in normal mode (even in check mode):
check_mode: no
Force a task to always run in check mode (even in normal mode):
check_mode: yes
Ignore errors¶
- name: ignore failing task
command: bin/false
ignore_errors: True
This can also be set for a whole playbook to continue executing tasks after the first failure:
- hosts:
ignore_errors: True
- some_role
Run apt command only when online¶
- name: test internet connectivity
shell: ping -q -c 1 -W 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
register: ping_cmd
# Mark the task as changed instead of failed
changed_when: ping_cmd.rc != 0
failed_when: False
- name: update apt cache
package: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
when: ping_cmd.rc == 0
Yaml multi-line values¶
Use |
to preserve newlines:
some_key: |
Use >
to generate a single line with all newlines stripped
some_key: >